Posts 4 Ponies Fundraiser!

Our current arena, which is 100' wide by 170' long and shown above, has served us well for decades; however, it is now in need of replacing. The club has been doing renovations and upgrades to the grounds over the last few years with the arena next on the list due to its unsafe footing and rotting fencing. We wish to provide a safe, modern, low maintenance riding arena that may be used to host club and community events for generations to come.
The project will entail the following:
removing all the original fencing
removing most of the footing and earth material from within and extending one foot beyond the arena fence
material removed from arena will be repurposed on club grounds
install new fence posts
install three rail vinyl fencing
install new arena all purpose footing material
Volunteers from the club will be contributing their knowledge, equipment, and labor to dismantle the arena in prep for installation of the new one, which at this time is planned to be done professionally.
In order to accomplish this major improvement, the club needs to raise funds with the help of the community at large, horse enthusiasts, club supporters, and beyond. Through your sponsorship of the Posts 4 Ponies we will be able to realize our new arena. You may purchase a $50.00 custom engraved plate that will be mounted on one of the new fence posts at our riding club in Stafford, CT. You may choose either “In Memory of” ___________ or “Sponsored by” __________ to honor your loved one or pet. Please help make this a safe place for equines, riders, and event spectators, in addition to leaving a lasting memory of your support!
Below is an example of what we intend our new arena to look like. As the project develops we will share more information and project progression pictures.